An EMDR Therapist in Windsor, Ontario
Daydra Cormican
Daydra is an EMDR therapist in Windsor, Ontario who specializes in the treatment of trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, self esteem, and life transitions.
“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination”
Carl Rogers
Areas of Specialization
1. Anxiety
Do you worry about work constantly when you’re at home, or feel anxious and tense even about small events? These signs and symptoms are common in those suffering from anxiety.
2. Depression
Just like other chronic illnesses, depression is not your fault, it’s nothing you’ve caused. Effective treatments exist to help ease and eliminate the struggles you face.
3. Trauma
Trauma can alter how the brain functions. Signs and symptoms can vary from finding it difficult to trust and being constantly on guard to sudden panic.
4. Life Transitions
We know that change is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean it’s always comfortable. This is especially true when the shifts are sudden or unexpected.
5. Living your best life
Self-actualization is about personal growth. It’s the drive to reach our full potential. Let’s explore how to make life more wonderful.

To free from what binds or holds back